Schedule Management and Creation
Generate as many schedules for your competitions as you need. You can choose to start with a blank canvas by creating a new scheduling project, or duplicate an existing one and edit as you require.
Teams and Dates
Simply add your teams and game dates one by one, or import/revise from a previously generated schedule.

Tournament Setup
SchedulOpt® allows you to define your tournament type formally, or lets you decide how the tournament should be structured by adding extra rules in.
Rules and Objectives
Defining your scheduling rules and objectives serve at the core of SchedulOpt’s powerful scheduling engine. SchedulOpt contains a library of pre-specified rules for you to drag-and-drop in to your scheduling task

Schedule Generation and Review
The Scheduling engine allows most schedules (approx. 75%* to be generated within 2 minutes), or in the case of highly mathematically complex challenges, allow the scheduling engine to run for 10 minutes to 1 hour. Once the schedules have been generated, review the outputs in either Conference Format or Table Format.
* Depending on underlying schedule complexity
Scheduling Rules for Competition of All Shapes and Sizes
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